Thursday, July 17, 2008

One last blog for today! ;)

I'm just going to put a random thought out right now....mostly because it's late and I'm tired (so don't get mad if I mess up punctuation or grammar lol). I just wish people could be understanding of one another. If we each could take a day in someone else's shoes think of what the world would be like. You need to understand to love...thats how life is. If I could give a gift to everyone in the world (I guess not a gift...more like apersonality trait) it would be understanding. I try my best to put myself in other peoples postitions, and If what I think they are doing is still wrong I will tell them. We really don't know what goes on in other peoples lives and heads. So why must we judge them? I just wish people would take the time to view their actions or feelings with people. I think about how I act towards people every day. I try to take everything into consideration. So please before you judge someone about anything...take the time to get to know them.

Thanks for,poems, and art coming soon.

Life may be a rocky road. Try and really look at the bumps and where you land.
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1 comment:

Annette Janelle said...

I totally agree. It's insane how some people, for the life of them, can't seem to just let people be who they are, and not judge them right off the bat. I seriously think that, if you could give understanding as a character trait to everyone, world peace would be possible. But at this point ...

~Annette Janelle *firefly*